Ways to partner with AIMI
We appreciate any interest in partnering with AIMI here in the American Southwest. Here are some ways you can be directly involved with our team: Prayer Partner, Short-Term Mission Work, Full-Time Mission Work, Financial Support Partner.

Prayer Partner
This is our greatest need. We ask that you would partner with us to remember us, our ministries, and the Native people that are being ministered to daily, weekly, and seasonally.
Financial Supporter
God may have gifted you to be able to partner with us in a financial partnership to help with some of our ongoing ministries. Your help can support our team of missionaries and their families to do their ministries on the field. You could also gift to a particular ministry or project that might have a certain financial need. Financial partners may support our ministry with a One-time, Monthly, Quarterly, or annual partnering-support gifts. Any help is always appreciated!
Short term Mission
This is an opportunity for you, your family, or church group to come alongside of an existing ministry and partner to be of assistance. Some ways to help might include assisting with a Sports, Wilderness, Music, or other camps, Kids Bible Clubs, or much needed work projects doing construction at our retreat center, one of the Native churches, etc.
Full-time/Part-time Missionaries, Summer Interns, & Volunteers.
Perhaps God has called you to full-time/ part-time missionary or volunteer. AIMI missionaries are needed for office support, teaching & discipleship ministries, youth & children’s ministry, maintenance & minor construction, and experienced Church planting ministry.
Candidates would be required to fill out an application and submit to a formal interview process. We would prefer that our missionary candidates have at least two years of Bible College or equivalent. Any cross-cultural ministry experience in the past would be very helpful. All candidates would be required to raise full support for themselves, or be able to be bi-vocational “tent-makers”, or volunteers (retirees?) if able to do so.
Summer interns might include Bible college students who can raise some summer support and gain valuable ministry experience during the end of May, June, July, and maybe part if August.
Please contact us, so that we can assist you in possibly becoming a full-time/ part-time missionary. volunteer, or summer intern with AIMI.